Technological development of Hospital admission management system to Muhammadu Abdullahi Wase teaching Hospital, Kano.
Adam Abbas Abba
Admission procedure system are used by tertiary and secondary healthcare to manage access to service providers as well as by hospital to schedule elective surgeries, investigation, treatment and other services. Admission procedure occurred in an office. The admission office is the place where admission procedure occurs, which can be either centralized or decentralized office. The hospital Admission and discharge process system is complex involving many components and is simplified within this study to better understand the major variables affecting the process. The admission procedure system we have is in a poor state due to the fact that is paper-based or manual admission system which is leaded due to the digital divide we are having in Nigeria down to Kano state. According to Jantz (2011) the emergence of computer based information system has changed the world a great deal both large and small system has changed the world a great deal, both large and small system have adopted the new methodology by use of personal computer to fulfill several role in the production of Information" Therefore, computerizing the documentation of patient record to enable easier manipulation input process and output will bring us to this existing new world of Information system. In Nigeria, ninety percent(90%) of government and privately owned hospital still use file systems to store their day to day activities and information; thereby putting at risk the loss of information, Mislaying of files by Nursing staff and misfiling of patients Information. With this problem in mind, the Nigeria government passed a law in 2011 requiring all government and privately owned hospitals must go digital by the end of 2014 at the latest so as to avoid any information loss and to centralize the health information of all Nigerians. (Helen 1991.) To this end I decided to build/develop an application software that will manage admission process to the Muhammadu Abdullahí Wase Teaching Hospital which is located at Nassarawa L.G.A of kano state. Muhammadu Abdullahi Wase Teaching Hospital of kano state has a central Admission office, The Central Admission Office performs many tasks such as, keeping and storing, shelving of inpatient case file, compiling of Daily ward statistics, registration of inpatient and so on. While all this tasks are performed manually, which led patients’ information being in deterioration, lost, improper tracing of the patients health information. All these conditions, circumstances and factors stated above called my attention to conduct and develop this research study. ‘Hospital admission management system’ is a Microsoft Windows Application software that will be user-friendly in creating, modifying, updating, retrieving of inpatients Health Information/Record to their Discharge Developed using Visual BASIC Studio for the Interface and Structured Query Language (SQL) for the Database.
Below are the Graphical User Interface of the system