My Arewa Data Science Fellowship Journey Part-I
I am thrilled to share my journey through the first stage of the Arewa Data Science and Machine Learning Fellowship. Being selected as a fellow and successfully completing the initial stage has been a transformative experience, the recognition and opportunity to learn from seasoned professionals in the field of data science and machine learning fueled my enthusiasm
The first part of the fellowship, called “Getting Started,” was good at what it promised — building a strong foundation in important tools for Data Science and Machine Learning. We learned:
- Learning How to Learn: We focused on a course called “Learning How to Learn” on Coursera. This helped us learn effective methods before diving into the technical stuff. The Coursera course was really helpful, giving us insights into making learning better.
2. Setup and Installation: It was a great experience setting up our workspace with help from mentors like Dr. Idris and Dr. Shamsuddeen. We had sessions on basic command line operations, Git, GitHub, and Python virtual environments, which were really helpful.
3. 30 Days off Python Challenge: The 30 Days of Python Challenge was a bit tough but rewarding. Doing daily assignments and using the supportive GitHub repository helped us practice and get better at Python.
I want to express my sincere gratitude to the entire Arewa Data Science team for their support and guidance throughout this rewarding journey. Jazakumullahu bikahir.
Below is the link of my GitHub repo containing my 30Days of Python Challenge: